As much about forgetting as remembering

An entire feature film is mapped out into a new film comprising solely of text on a black screen in the familiar sub-titled format.

Through a process of viewing the original film scene by scene, a collective descriptive memory was written. The description however focuses on the spaces and the sounds, while excluding all narrative elements and the actions of the characters. It attempts to describe the incidental and the unseen, to re-read a story/history in other ways. In the process of doing so it accepts the falibility of memory, and our inability to grasp the entirety of any experience, our sub-conscious filtering of information, and our always partial experience of events.

The sub-titles at the foot of the black screen constantly draw the viewers attention to the absence of image at the centre of the frame, while being in essence a silent film draws our attention to sound.
Birdsong, sounds of cars travelling

David Donohoe, Peter Maybury, Marie-Pierre Richard.

First shown at Volume V, Temple Bar Gallery & Studios, Dublin, January 2009.

Single channel video with stereo sound.
duration: 1:07:08
© imagetextsound 2009